Sorry for the lack of updates recently but this will more than make up for it. My roommate (check out his blog
HERE) and I have been listening to this mixtape of a new rapper on the scene, Wale. He mixes some great beats with an extremely relaxed flow that is reminiscent of Lil Wayne. Most of this mixtape is just awesome- especially the W.A.L.E.D.A.N.C.E mix, Warming Up Cane and Smile Remix. Okay so the last link didn't work so here's a couple other options.
You can download the mixtape here (you will have to register with DatPiff but its a great mixtape resource).
here is a free download. ENJOY!
W.A.L.E.D.A.N.C.E = HOT. I almost saw him on inauguration day. Kicking myself for not.